Blogs for Christian Living

Read some devotional thoughts from prior church planters & lifelong pastors. Mark & Dallas share what they learn daily in their journey walking with God.

Be inspired to live in the fullness of purity that God has set as the standard for His children. Be encouraged to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and the implications of living in relationship with God.

Man with back pain

Growing Through the “Gift” of Woundedness

December 21, 2018 |

In the fall of 2014, I had the privilege of learning about the “gift” of woundedness.  Dallas and I were going through a study, “In Christ’s Image” by Francis Frangipane. He taught about spiritual woundedness and how it is a gift that works to develop Christlikeness in us.  I was really struggling with the lesson as I recounted some of the deep wounds that we experienced in ministry and life. So I got a physical lesson to help me better grasp the concepts. Rear-ended! Tuesday September 30, 2014 I was driving to have lunch with a friend.  Traffic was heavy and there was a lane closure up ahead so I…

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Skiers on slope

Did You See The Sign?

December 7, 2018 |

Like a Child Think about yourself when you were a child, about five years old. When you were young, did you ever walk into a large building like a mall or airport and have absolutely no idea where to go without your parents telling you? They seemed to always know where to go (or at least that’s how I viewed my parents). But how did they know where to go?? As a child I just assumed they knew because they were my parents and I could count on them to lead me to the right place. Now, as a young adult, I have come to realize that their ability to…

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Live Your Life in Fullness of Purity and Power

November 30, 2018 |

Blue Fire Legacy’s purpose statement is “Igniting the Body of Christ to live in fullness of purity and power.”  It took me a few months to process through what that means and how we walk it out. Today’s blog is a summary of my studies. To be full is defined by as “filled to utmost capacity”.  As the Body of Christ, we are to live in His fullness. In other words, we are to be filled to the utmost capacity with Christ, His character and His abilities.  Which ultimately leaves room for nothing else. Fullness of purity   When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy…

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Thank you card

The Blessing of Giving and Receiving

November 9, 2018 |

“It’s more blessed to give than to receive”.  It’s definitely more fun. Over the years Dallas and I have been blessed to be able to give to others.  One of our fun activities was to identify a family that was in need and come up with a way to give to them without being found out.  To be able to buy the gift card for groceries and then figure out a way to sneak it into her purse or his Bible at church without anyone seeing what we were doing.  To later hear about how God had blessed them. Their wondering who it was that gave the gift. Praising the…

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Man suffering

Why Do Good People Suffer?

October 26, 2018 |

It is often asked why Christians suffer.  Every believer that goes through a time of difficulty or suffering has likely asked the Lord why.  In my experiences He generally doesn’t answer the why question, at least not quickly or in the midst of the trial. Was it Sin? The religious leaders in Jesus’ time generally had the belief that someone that suffered a long-term illness was a result of sin.  In John 9:2, Jesus’ disciples asked “who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” It’s an easy question to ask because then we can place blame for the suffering.   Suffering seems to be easier to…

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Wood on fire

Burn Hot and Bright For God

October 19, 2018 |

We talk about being on fire for God; burning bright in a dark world; asking the Holy Spirit to ignite the fire again.  Have you ever spent time watching a fire? Have you watched how different types of materials burn? I spent a good chunk of time one day burning old materials and papers, and the Lord showed me some applications to our spiritual lives. Paper Generally Burns Easily Most of us think that paper burns very easily – and it can, but it doesn’t always.  When it does burn, the heat produced is minimal and doesn’t last long. Crumple up some paper, lay it loosely in the fire pit,…

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Many crying into his hands

Cry Out to God and Then Go in Peace

September 28, 2018 |

Hannah was greatly distressed in 1 Samuel 1:10-20.  Instead of stewing and pouting and turning away from God she poured everything out before Him.  We see that she was “bitter” (v. 10). This is not the picture of a prim and proper worshipper of the Lord coming before Him and singing praise songs.  This is a woman that has a very deep, burning wound and she is bitter about it. Life is not fair. Things are not going right. This is NOT the way that they should be!  This has gone on for too long, God. Enough! She “wept severely”. Crying out to God Hannah moped and was depressed (see…

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Success Balloons

You are Designed for Success

September 14, 2018 |

God has designed us and is equipping us to be successful.  But what is success? In America we often define success by our position and possessions.  The higher our position at work or school or church or the social club then the more “successful” we are.  The more stuff we have, then the more we are a success; be that houses, cars, name-brand clothes, exotic vacations; fancy this or that. However, position, possession, or even our number of followers is not God’s standard for success. And if that’s not how God defines success, neither should we.  Scripture gives us a definition of success quite contrary to the expectations of this…

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Sewer Drain

Clean Out the Roots in Your Life

August 3, 2018 |

There is a part of our house about which we often don’t think; a part that some of us probably never think about.  Yet, it is a vitally important maintenance item from which we need to apply some principles to our spiritual lives. It’s not something that we prize or cherish, but when it doesn’t work properly, we surely aren’t pleased.  It is the sewer line that takes everything from our sinks, showers and toilets to the city pipes. Not too long ago, I had the pleasure of assisting my father-in-law with cleaning out his lines.  As I was on my knees over a pipe that was emitting less than…

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HisRadiance_CovenantPromises_Why Use Flags in Worship

Why Use Flags in Worship?

June 27, 2018 |

“Why flags?”   Well, because there is Scriptural basis, complimented by abundant symbolism in color and movement, and because worship is part of our spiritual warfare arsenal.   Synonyms for flags include banner, sign, signal, standard, standard-bearer, and symbol.  While flags as we know them today are not mentioned specifically in Scripture, the present day versions are adapted from the standards that were raised over each camp.   (Numbers 1:52)  The people of Israel shall pitch their tents by their companies, each man in his own camp and each man by his own standard. The use of flags invites others to engage in worship in a different way than lifting hands,…

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