Christian Sermons and Short Stories

We have found that reading about and listening to the God stories of those around us help strengthen our faith, therefore, we have chosen to share ours with you.  These are just some of the amazing stories that we share about our journey this far with God.

Credit John-Mark Smith

Messages to Inspire

What If God Asked You?

Mark and Dallas Henslee
52 minutes

Real Questions, Real Life.

Mark and Dallas share pieces of the story of Blue Fire Legacy while looking at questions that God asked Abraham in Genesis.  

Wisdom of Man vs. the Direction of God

Part 1 - King Asa

Mark Henslee
39 minutes

Mark starts a two-part series on the wisdom of man compared to the direction of God.  In this message, we look at the story of King Asa from 2 Chronicles 14-16 and then wraps up with the passage from Jeremiah 17:5-8.

Wisdom of Man vs the Direction of God

Part 2 - Go to Egypt?

Mark Henslee
53 minutes

In part 2, Mark picks up where he left off in Jeremiah 17:5-8 and then looks at the story of the remnant of Judah seeking God's direction in Jeremiah 42-43.

The Father's Discipline

Mark Henslee
52 minutes

Dallas provides a short introduction about Blue Fire Legacy before Mark brings a message from Hebrews 12:5-11.  The Father's Discipline comes from a place of love as the Father's Heart is for His children.

Seasons in Psalm 23

Mark Henslee
40 minutes

While Mark anticipated delivering a message from an alternative text, God prompted the "last minute" change. This message looks at how The Good Shepherd walks us through the various seasons of life.

Come Let Us Adore Him

Mark Henslee
26 minutes

A look at the importance of worship in our daily walk with the Lord.  Mark brings us five lessons from the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20) and wise men (Matthew 2:1-12).

You can watch just the sermon or the entire service.

A Life Surrendered

Mark Henslee
47 minutes

What does a life surrendered look like? Mark walks through examples from Scripture and history then provides 5 characteristics and 4 principles for living a life surrendered.

Freedom in Forgiveness

Mark Henslee
43 minutes

From a look at the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35, we learn what forgiveness is, the effect of unforgiveness, and how we can practically work through the process of forgiveness to the point of freedom.

Healing Requires Obedience

Mark and Dallas Henslee
21 minutes

Lessons from Jesus' healing at the pool of Bethesda as told in John 5:2-9.  Healing requires a willingness to be obedient to the Lord regardless of the cost.

Credit Rodrigo Rodriguez

Tell Your God Stories

Mark Henslee
18 minutes

We all have stories.  The best ones are about how God has worked in or through our lives.  What God Stories do you have to tell?

Credit Art Lasovsky

Training Seasons

Dallas Henslee
30 minutes

All of us experience seasons or transitions in our lives; some we look forward to and others we manage the best we can.  God uses seasons to train us; some are seasons of discipline, but I believe there are many more seasons that we encounter that serve as places of preparation, equipping, teaching, discipling, calling to action, encouragement, and even rest.

Credit Boris Smokrovic

Walking As Children of God

Mark Henslee
43 minutes

Believers of Christ are children of God.  As His children we should live our lives as imitators of God.  In this message Mark looks at Ephesians 4:17-5:1 with insights and examples of how we are to walk as children of God.

Credit Hugues de BUYER MIMEURE

Planning with the Holy Spirit

Mark Henslee
45 minutes

We make plans all of the time for the little and the big things in life.  While sharing a portion of their life story, Mark draws from Paul’s experience in Acts 16:6-10 to gain insight of how we are to allow the Holy Spirit to adjust our plans.  

Credit Dallas Henslee

A Perspective on Church Traditions

Mark Henslee
41 minutes

Why do we do what we do?  We have a lot of things in the church that we do out of habit or just because that’s what we’ve always done.  Mark challenges the church to know why it follows the practices as it does.

Credit Andrew Seaman

Short Stories from Walking with God

We’ve walked the valleys and seen some mountain tops.  These stories include many of God’s attributes as Protector, Provider, and Miraculous Wonders.  We remind you that while some of these happened in a moment, others were years in the making.  What is God doing in you, through you, and for you?  Find those around you who want to celebrate what God has done, and share your stories, too!

Hearing God on the Trail

Mark Henslee
6 1/2 minutes

Credit Dallas Henslee

Credit Priscilla Du Preez

Planning International Travel by Prayer and Faith

Mark and Dallas Henslee
13 minutes

Credit Mark and Dallas Henslee

Credit Markus Spiske

Burnout & Restoration

Mark Henslee
7 minutes


Credit John-Mark Smith
