Resources for Christian Study

Below are some tools to help you deepen your walk with the Lord and expand your knowledge of who He is, what He has done, and who He has called you to be.

You can listen to sermons, read articles, and learn about our books. Please feel free to share these resources with those you know who would also glean from it.

Credit Mark Henslee

Devotional Thoughts

Filled Full For Purpose

By Mark Henslee | December 8, 2023

We were at a hotel some time ago, and after checking in I grabbed a luggage cart and rolled it out to the car.  It rolled just fine.  I loaded our bags on the cart and then started to roll it into the hotel to our room.  It didn’t roll nearly as well.  In fact,…

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Created and Surrendered For Purpose

By Mark Henslee | November 17, 2023

The couple had consulted specialists and decided that humanly there was no hope for them to bear a child of their own.  But the desire was deep; a longing for something that they couldn’t have.  So they petitioned the Lord.  Pleading for a long time, until one day, they received the answer.  The desire of…

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To-Do List Relationship

By Mark Henslee | September 22, 2023

I function best when I work from a to-do list.  Generally, I have an ongoing to-do list that I’m adding things to the bottom of while crossing off completed tasks.  It gets rewritten every couple of weeks when the paper is filled or enough things have been crossed off that it’s time to start afresh. …

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Feeding on the Right Food

By Mark Henslee | August 4, 2023

I like meat.  Meat and potatoes or rice, supplemented with a few vegetables for color.  If there is no meat, it does not qualify as a meal in my opinion. Growing up, my mom would plan meals around the meat.  For example, if grilled chicken was the meat, then she would plan sides to complement…

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Treasures in Deep Relationships

By Mark Henslee | July 14, 2023

We recently visited some friends.  Towards the beginning of the visit, our hosts were wanting to plan lots of activities.  They love to share their home and the many incredible things that are nearby.  It’s fun to do new things and experience God’s creation in their area of the country.   As great as the exploring…

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Two Are Better Than One

By Mark Henslee | June 23, 2023

We got a new air conditioner for the ministry’s fifth wheel trailer that we’ve called home for a while.  The unit weighs about 100 pounds.  Light enough that I can pick it up and move it around, but heavy enough that I can’t pick it up very high.  That’s where the issue came in.  I…

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The Father’s Heart

By Mark Henslee | January 20, 2023

In my life’s journey, I’m continually learning and growing.  One of the areas that I’ve been developing in is gaining a better understanding of Father God’s heart for His children.  He has an enormous heart of love for all of His kids.  Through our work with ministers and exposure to various church bodies, I’ve cried…

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Where Are All The Lights

By Dallas Henslee | December 30, 2022

 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may…

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Running Right Requires Regeneration

By Mark Henslee | October 21, 2022

We were driving down the interstate, having just crossed from Colorado into Kansas shortly before five on a Friday afternoon.  Suddenly, we lost power and started blowing smoke out of the tailpipe.  My initial thought was, “Oh no! I’ve got to get safely to the side of the road.”  The words that came out of…

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Preparing for the Storms of Life

By Mark Henslee | September 23, 2022

Every location has its own unique weather patterns, but everywhere you can live will have storms.  Some places have hurricanes while others deal with tornadoes.  There are places that experience sandstorms and others that get snow storms.  The winds will blow, and the storm will rage, at some point, everywhere. As there are storms in…

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"If you've ever been interested in the topic of Spiritual Warfare, local authors Mark and Dallas Henslee have written a book that you just HAVE to read! Well-written, specific and Biblically sound, this book will help you understand the realities of spiritual warfare, and how to fight the battle successfully through the power of Jesus Christ!"

Heather Trost, The Greatest Gift Bookstore

JennyLyne and the Science Fair Incident

A Children's Book on Forgiveness for ages 5-10

Join JennyLyne and her friends Harper, Sebastian, and Alice as they prepare for the science fair and work through disappointment, anger, and forgiveness.  This is the second story in a series of books for children regarding forgiveness principles and application.
(Fully illustrated, 32 pages, paper cover book, 9 x 9 inches also available as an eBook)

JennyLyne vs the Guinea Hens

A Children's Book on Forgiveness for ages 5-10

Join JennyLyne on her misadventures through a neighbor's garden, laundry line, and mango tree. Through these experiences, JennyLyne learns about Jesus' love in addition to how forgiveness impacts us all. This is the first story in a series of books for children regarding forgiveness.

(Fully illustrated, 34 pages, paper cover book, 9 x 9 inches also available as an eBook)

Reflections: Living Right-Side Up in an Upside-Down World

A Devotional Resource

This is a collection of 52 stories combining real life experiences and spiritual principles. Previously included in our monthly blog distribution, these selections are no longer available on the website as stand alone entries. Purchase your copy to relive your favorite stories with Biblical application.

Available in electronic or paperback formats

Breaking the Burdensome Yoke

Breaking the Burdensom Yoke: A Discipleship Course in Forgiving and Grieving

Forgiving and grieving go beyond theoretical concepts.  Know you need to forgive, but you just can't seem to figure out how? Grieving but feel like everyone thinks you should be "over it" by now? This book is for you.

Breaking the Burdensome Yoke walks the reader through the why, what, and how aspects of forgiveness and grief.  These are active processes, and yet, we often get stuck along the way.  Those that have already read the book are saying things like, "I didn't know I needed to forgive that; This helped me understand my grief better; and Everyone needs this book!"

Available in electronic or paperback formats

Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines: A Discipleship Course in Spiritual Warfare

Revised and Expanded Second Edition

We had so many questions from readers that we decided to expand the teaching included in this book.  Additionally, you will find a dedicated Question and Answer section in the appendix.

Behind Enemy Lines takes a look at the power of the Holy Spirit and how we walk in victory rather than defeat and how that often creates questions among those we encounter. You will be reminded of your identity in Christ and be guided toward applying biblical principles of doing like Jesus did. You will uncover practical insights for participating in what God is doing in and through His children when they submit to His will.

Available in electronic or paperback formats

Why Do We Need To Forgive Chapter Promo Cover (1) (1)

Behind Enemy Lines

Why Do We Need to Forgive?

Get your complimentary PDF excerpt of the first chapter of Breaking the Burdensome Yoke: A Discipleship Course in Forgiving and Grieving.

"Before we delve into the process of forgiving, we need to know why we are doing this work.  The Lord commanded us to forgive; therefore, we don't have the luxury to dig in our heels and remain in unforgiveness without impeding our relationship with God...Much like the servant in Matthew 18:24, we owed a debt that could not possibly be repaid.  Jesus paid our debt through His sacrifice on the Cross....He expects us to extend to others the same forgiveness that we have received from Him." (Breaking the Burdensome Yoke pp.22-23)

"Forgiveness is a deliberate decision.  One chooses to forgive, it doesn’t simply occur because you stayed within a certain acceptable range of emotion in reaction to the offense.  If you do not choose to surrender the right to be hurt, then by default, you retain the right to be hurt and can use that at any point in the future against the offender.  When you choose to retain the right to remain hurt, offended, or wounded, you choose to remain a victim by default.  It is very difficult to be both a victim and a conqueror at the same time (Romans 8:37).

Since reconciliation [to the point of restoration of relationship] is not commanded, we can forgive without having to continue to be harmed...." (Behind Enemy Lines, Forgiveness Chapter).

Worship through Flagging

What It Takes to Make a Worship Flag

Fabric, Fabric, and More Fabric “So, how much fabric do you need?”  It was a question loaded with the additional sentiment, “Don’t you think you have enough?”   The thing was, all I knew was certain fabrics were standing out, but I didn’t have conceptualization of flags to be made from the fabrics.  There was…

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Entering the Throne Room with a Garment of Praise

The Process of Making Worship Flags “So, if you’re going to make a flag for someone, do you have to spend a lot of time with them first?” she asked.  I wasn’t prepared with an answer. After all, to that point I’d only made flags for myself and given some as gifts to friends. “Let’s…

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If you opt into both newsletters and devotional blogs, you will receive a separate email every 2-3 weeks with thoughts on daily Christian living.

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