How To Find Freedom From Sexual Sin

Freedom from Sexual Sin

Question: Why is my struggle with masturbation a flippant thing one time and a very convicting one at another?  At one season of life justification takes place because you didn’t commit an act of adultery, then you read Jesus’s words that if anyone looks upon a woman to lust he has already committed it in…

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Can a disqualified minister be restored to ministry?


Question: Paul sets high standards for ministry leaders (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-16).  Once one has been in ministry and has a moral failure or other disqualification, can they be restored to a position of leadership in ministry? Answer: This is a tricky question in that God is able to do anything He chooses, including…

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Listening to God and Responding in Action

Listening to God and Responding with Action

Have you ever had a time when you were hearing every word that someone said but didn’t have a clue what they had said when they were finished?  You were hearing but not listening.  Sometimes, it is because we are thinking about a response to the first words they said.  We may be thinking about…

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Journeying with God on the Trails of Life

Hearing God

We are all on a journey through life.  Some of us like to stick to the open paths with wide spaces and clear views.  I tend to enjoy wandering the narrow, twisty mountain trails that lead to high places.  Most of the time when I go hiking, my dog, Ginger, is my companion.  In our…

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Walking One Detour At A Time With God

Plans with God

I’m a planner.  I like to know what the plan is, and if there isn’t one, then I can come up with a plan.  For as long as I can remember, I always had a plan.  Some of those plans were short-term, like what I was going to do that day.  I also had long-term…

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Content in the Midst of Desire

Content and satisfied

I’ll be content when _____________ .  All of us can probably relate to a time when we’ve said words like that.  I’ll be content when my income reaches a certain level, or my bank accounts are a predetermined amount, or when I have that house or car or relationship . . .  The list goes…

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When It’s Time to Say Goodbye


One of the costs of love is loss.  With loss comes grief. Grief is a strange process.  There are moments of joy in the remembrance, lack of hope in not having control, despair in the loss, alternating acceptance and denial of the reality of the situation, anger in the outcome or even the process.  We…

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Are You Qualified for What God Has Called You To Do?


We have resumes and CVs, degrees and certifications – things that we promote to others that tell them we are qualified to do the work that they need done.  Even if you are applying for a job that says “no experience required”, they want to know what skills or abilities you have to see if…

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Are You Ready to Be Set on Fire?

Are You Ready to Be Set on Fire?

As we are entering winter, and the time of burning fires for heat, I have been working on getting ready by splitting the wood that I gathered earlier in the year.  As I worked, I was thinking about how these trees stood tall on the hillside of Legacy Heights and now they are being prepared…

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