Prayer and Reflection from our Nation’s Capital

We recently had the privilege of visiting our nation’s capital in Washington, D.C.  On September 26, 2020, there were two events where Christians gathered in prayer for our nation.  It was a great time of gathering with other believers as well as personal reflection.

We spent the day in the middle of the Mall at The Return.  The Return was a national and global call to prayer and repentance based on 2 Chronicles 7:14.  The second event was a Prayer March organized by Franklin Graham.  The participants assembled, then prayer walked from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building.

Power of Gathering

There is great power in the unity of Christians.  We were on the National Mall with thousands (more probably tens of thousands) of other believers joined together in prayer and worship.  There was unity of purpose and a connection in the spirit realm.  We prayed over the state of our nation and asked God to heal our land and the hearts of those that call the U.S.A. home.

I’ve said for years that the answer for our nation is not in the ballot box, though participating in elections is important.  The answer is in the church.  We, the Body of Christ, are the hope for our nation.  When the nation turns away from what is right, calling what is good evil and evil good, Christians are to stand in the gap.  There is awesome power when we do so together.  

Jesus tells us that where two or three are gathered, He is with us (Matthew 18:20).  Not to minimize the gathering of a few, but when thousands of us gather in His name, there is a heightened level of power.  The power of our personal prayer closet is great.  Gathering in small groups is important.  Corporate worship and prayer, especially prayers of repentance, is even greater.  We need to be gathering together on a regular basis with other believers (Hebrews 10:25).

Reflection in the Water

Because we chose to stay at The Return rather than participate in both events, we did our own private prayer walk the following few days.  As we passed the Reflecting Pool, we noticed the low water level and the murky stagnant condition of the water.  There wasn’t much reflecting as the water wasn’t clear enough to provide a good reflection.

This gave us a physical picture of the state of our nation.  We have become low and stagnant in our national moral character.  We need to humble ourselves as a nation before the Lord and allow the living water of God to flow over us, cleansing and washing.  

We must repent of our wicked ways and turn from them.  There are three stages to repentance.  The first is to confess, admitting our wrong behaviors and attitudes.  Secondly, we need to turn away from the wrong ways.  Finally, we need to have a change of mind and heart such that the mere thought of ever going back to the sin is so repulsive it is no longer an option.

Repentance begins with the Church.  When we have been washed and filled with God’s clean, living water, we can be a clear reflection of Him to the world.

Rainbows of Promise

As we walked to the Capitol Building to pray, there was a light rain.  When the rain ended, we looked up towards the Capitol, there in the sky, centered over the building was a double rainbow.  This picture doesn’t fully show the beauty of the scene, but it may give you an inkling of what we saw. 

Both of us felt a clear sense of the Lord speaking to us in the rainbows.  It was as if He was saying, “I remember my promises, and I have heard your prayers”.  I don’t know how He will choose to answer those prayers of repentance and pleading for our nation.  I do know that His answer will be good, even if hard, because He is good.

God loves the United States of America.  We are not Israel, so don’t confuse some of His promises to the Jewish people as absolute promises for us.  I do believe that He has plans and good things for us, if we are willing to walk in His ways.

People over Politics

Washington is a city of politics, but we need to be loving the people regardless of their positions.  One morning I rode an elevator with a gentleman much different than myself.  He was of a different race and wore a button for a candidate that is opposing my preferred choice in the election.  

I could have remained silent and ignored him, as many are prone to do on an elevator.  I suppose that I could have attempted to convince him his choice of candidate was wrong, or why he should support mine.  Instead, I choose to say, “Good morning” and encourage him to have a pleasant day.  Not much, but hopefully a glimmer of Christ for him that morning.

Regardless of skin color, background, or political persuasions, every man and woman is a person that God loves.  We need to love them as well.  Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”  Our country would be a much better place if we would stop the vitriol and character assassinations and start treating everyone, especially those of other tribes, with respect and dignity.

Are you gathering with others in repentance or perpetuating the divisions?  Is your life a reflection of the Lord’s love for all people?  What promises of God are you holding onto and reminding Him of in your prayers?  Please join me in praying for our nation as well as walking in Christ’s love for all people.  

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