Blue Fire Legacy

Igniting the body of Christ to live in fullness of purity and power.

Credit Danielle Fauteaux

Blue Fire Legacy serves churches by offering Biblically based teaching in a variety of formats including itinerant pulpit supply, conferences, seminars/workshops, and coaching for church boards.

Additionally, Blue Fire Legacy works in proactive preventative pastoral care and spiritual crisis care ministry for both vocational and bi-vocational pastors, missionaries, and their immediate family members by providing coaching, consulting, pastoral care, and counseling.

What If God Asked You?

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Mark and Dallas Henslee
52 minutes

Real Questions, Real Life.

Mark and Dallas share pieces of the story of Blue Fire Legacy while looking
at questions that God asked Abraham in Genesis.

When God calls you to a life of ministry, there are many promises of potential, protection, and provision.  There are not promises of ease.

God has prepared us to come alongside ministry families and walk with them through the daily journey of life, to work with church boards asking the questions that lead to positive changes, to be the catalyst for a church body to go deeper in worship and service, and to be a safe place for working through so called “failures” and struggles.

God stationed us to fill an array of roles in the church from custodian to pastor, child care worker to worship leader.  We’ve been Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, and church planters.  Plus, we’ve served in small, medium, and large churches; denominational and non-denominational churches; conservative to charismatic churches.  You will be talking to previous business owners and employees who have worked both menial jobs and in licensed professions.

All this to say - we understand the additional challenges of bi-vocational ministry.

More about our Ministry Arms and Pastoral Care


Church leaders and lay pastors, whether staff or volunteer, face a myriad of challenges. You may simply need help getting above the fray of “the tyranny of the urgent” or you may need help with interpersonal issues.  The Healing Arm of the ministry includes counseling, coaching, and training up others to help care for those in the Body of Christ.  If you desire inner healing work or want to learn more about helping others, please feel free to contact us.


Blue Fire Legacy produces, publishes, and distributes materials for various ages that encourage, challenge, and equip individuals and churches to live in fullness of purity and power.  To browse our products, please visit our store at


Blue Fire Legacy envisions owning multiple and varied retreat locations that provide space and accommodations which enable the users to refresh and spend time with God.  Currently, there are no developed centers available.  We continue to wait on the Lord for His provisions to proceed with development of the land the ministry owns.


Often we find that there is a correlation between having healthy ministers and the health of their churches. The tendency is for the unhealthy to affect the healthy, therefore it is vital to work with both the minister and congregation.  Teaching in a variety of formats is imperative to edify all believers.  This arm provides teachers who speak on a variety of topics focused on calling up the Body of Christ to live in fullness of purity and power.


Worship is one of the most powerful ways to connect with the Lord.  It is also a great connector of people.  Blue Fire Legacy endeavors to facilitate worship events that usher people into the Lord's presence and bring together the Body of Christ in each community.

We have been pastoring in the same church for almost 30 years. My wife and I were burnt out; after 2 major hurricanes, a major church split, a global pandemic, a building project, many friends (church members) turned their backs on us saying all sorts of nonsense behind our backs. We were in a bad place, not only from ministry hurts but also personal hurts and tragedies. Then my wife started searching for a counselor, someone who understood what we were going through… the Lord led us to Focus on the Family, and they in turn directed us to Blue Fire Legacy.  We started the process of healing and dealing with some things that we didn’t even know affected us so much, all because of Mark and Dallas Henslee. We met with them via Zoom for sessions for a long while, every month at first then every other month, and it changed us. It gave us the ability to keep going and actually fall in love with the ministry all over again. We invited them to come and lead our church in worship as well as asking Mark to preach. 

It was awesome. They did an amazing job of letting The Holy Spirit lead, guide and direct them. Our congregation loved them. Their story and the way, context and style of the biblical preaching that Mark did, and Dallas leading the congregation into worship it was great! Mark and Dallas, I don’t think you will ever understand how much y’all have helped drag us out of the pit of despair and back into the light! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Pastor Mark and Alicia Joslin, New Vision Church, St. Rose, Louisiana

Funding Blue Fire Legacy

100% Donation Funded; $0 Debt Policy

Blue Fire Legacy is a ministry that comes alongside church bodies, missionaries, pastors, and their families to provide professional pastoral care with no cost to clients during times of burnout, personal crisis, or ministry challenges.  

We look to you, our generous supporters, to prayerfully consider how God would have you financially partner with us to further this mission.

Teaching spiritual weapons for fighting spiritual battles to provide freedom and hope