When Our Faith Journey Goes Too Far

View from above Comanche Lakes

There’s been a trail that has taunted me for the past two summers.  It is almost always in the top listings for trails near Westcliffe on Alltrails.com when I’m looking for places to hike.  I’ve considered it many times but have hesitated because of the length (about 12 miles). It’s the Venable-Comanche Trail.  I’ve hiked…

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Hiking Through Life By Faith

Conditioned Boots

You may think that my hiking boots are worn out. Maybe you are right, but I think of them as well-conditioned.  I’ve walked a lot of miles in these boots in the past three years (yes, they are only 3 years old). They have been some of the most comfortable boots I’ve owned.  As I…

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Perspective on Viewing Life and Others

Valley perspective from 9500 feet

How we see things can be very different than how others see them.  Our perspective is influenced by many factors including where we are in life, our past experiences, and our beliefs.   We live in the Wet Mountain Valley which, while about 8,000 feet in elevation, is relatively flat and low compared to the mountains…

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Fickle Feelings Flowing to Firm Faith

Feelings Flow

Feelings, feelings, feelings.  We all have them. Some have got that loving feeling.  Others have feelings of dread. We know when things don’t feel right and wonder how long the good feeling will last.  Feelings are all around us. How much influence should our feelings have on what we do? How do our feelings affect…

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Reflections of Light in the Darkness

Lunar Eclipse

Back in January we had a clear night to view the full lunar eclipse dubbed the “Super Blood Moon”.  It was a marvelous, though very cold, experience. Where we live, there are very few lights at night, in fact, our county is designated a “dark sky community”, so when we have full moons, it can…

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Spiritual Lessons from an Unwanted Plant

Yucca Plants

Here in the mountains of Colorado we have a plant that, in my opinion, is an annoyance at best.  It is called Yucca. There are many variety of yucca, and while I have a personal bias against them, they can be beneficial and pretty in the opinions of some, so please don’t get bent out…

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Growing Through the “Gift” of Woundedness

Man with back pain

In the fall of 2014, I had the privilege of learning about the “gift” of woundedness.  Dallas and I were going through a study, “In Christ’s Image” by Francis Frangipane. He taught about spiritual woundedness and how it is a gift that works to develop Christlikeness in us.  I was really struggling with the lesson…

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Live Your Life in Fullness of Purity and Power


Blue Fire Legacy’s purpose statement is “Igniting the Body of Christ to live in fullness of purity and power.”  It took me a few months to process through what that means and how we walk it out. Today’s blog is a summary of my studies. To be full is defined by dictionary.com as “filled to…

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The Blessing of Giving and Receiving

Thank you card

“It’s more blessed to give than to receive”.  It’s definitely more fun. Over the years Dallas and I have been blessed to be able to give to others.  One of our fun activities was to identify a family that was in need and come up with a way to give to them without being found…

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Why Do Good People Suffer?

Man suffering

It is often asked why Christians suffer.  Every believer that goes through a time of difficulty or suffering has likely asked the Lord why.  In my experiences He generally doesn’t answer the why question, at least not quickly or in the midst of the trial. Was it Sin? The religious leaders in Jesus’ time generally…

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