A New Year has come, and for many, that means making resolutions for things that we intend to do this year. Some want to lose weight, or improve their health in some way. Resolutions are generally goals that we believe will improve our life. These are good things.
Yet, how many actually make it to the goal? A common resolution of losing weight and getting in shape leads to a substantial bump in new gym memberships in January. Yet, about 50% of new members quit within six months (if you believe the internet). Another internet statistic says that 80% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by February.
A New Paradigm
What if, instead of making resolutions that we thought were good and depended on us to achieve, we shift the paradigm. Instead of looking at the year and asking what you want to accomplish, you instead asked God what He wants to do in and through you this year?
Many churches start each year with some form of corporate fast. The idea is to seek the Lord. I have seen God do amazing things during fasts, as well as in normal daily routines. It was during a 21 day Daniel fast that the Lord asked us to sell my CPA firm and go into full-time ministry work.
We seek the Lord, and He speaks. What happens next is important. Often, we then go about either waiting for Him to make it happen or working toward what He said in our strength. Both of these paths will lead to disappointment and failure. There’s a catch that we often overlook. The catch is that He wants to partner with us. He desires to walk in a close relationship with you! It’s far less about the objective than it is about walking with the Lord.
I recently heard someone say, “The journey is the destination.” This struck me because I am naturally a goal oriented, plan driven individual. I like goals and plans. I like the known and certainty. Formulas and checklists are great tools. And I like the feeling of accomplishment when I arrive at the goal. Yet, God has called us to throw those out and walk with Him. But how?
Who’s Strength?
As I read Scripture, and in my own experience, I see God ask people to do hard things. Things so hard that it is impossible to do them without help, His help. That doesn’t mean that I’ve not tried to do the things He’s spoken to me in my strength. I certainly have tried, and failed.
I’m a relatively capable individual. God has gifted me with skills, talents, and intelligence that has made it possible for me to do many things in life. Yet, I am unable to accomplish the things that He has called me to do with just the gifts that He has blessed me with. I am only able when I work in His strength.
What are you sensing the Lord is asking you to do? Are you able to do that without Him? If the answer is yes, then I would question if that is really what the Lord is asking you to do.
What I’m learning is that when the Lord speaks, I listen, and then I need to respond with, “Yes, Lord. In Your strength.” It’s a reminder to me that I’m journeying with Him. I’m not sent out on assignment, I’m going with Him and participating in the work that He is doing.
A Challenge
Walking with the Lord in His strength has been a challenge for me. I’ve had to surrender my will, my desires, and my ways to Him. It’s no longer me that is the focus of my life.
For many years, I lived with the overarching philosophy that if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. This has led to a lot of work and stress on my part. I’ve also missed out on opportunities to bless others with allowing them the privilege of doing things that they would enjoy. I even had an employer tell me that I needed to be okay with someone else doing things 80% as well as I could.
With God, instead of things being done 80% as well as I can accomplish, it is done so much better than I could ever imagine. He knows things that I don’t know. His abilities far exceed mine (slight understatement). And to top it off, He is perfect and I’m not. So why would I not be willing to allow Him to work through me for His purposes?
As you look ahead to the new year, what is it that God wants to do in and through you? Are you willing to surrender yourself to walk with Him? Are you willing to say, “Yes Lord, in Your strength”?
Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]. Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP
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